Version 1 - Superseded Planning Scheme
- Citation and commencement
- Part 1 About the planning scheme
- Part 2 State planning provisions
- Part 3 Strategic framework
- Part 4 Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP)
- Part 5 Tables of assessment
- Part 6 Zones
- Part 7 Local plans
- Part 8 Overlays
- Part 9 Development codes
- Part 10 Other plans
- Schedule 1 Definitions
- Schedule 2 Mapping
- Schedule 3 Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) mapping and tables
- Schedule 4 Notations required under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009
- Schedule 5 Land designated for community infrastructure
- Schedule 6 Planning scheme policies
- Appendices
Part 10 Other plans
Development within certain areas of the region is governed by plans and legislation which overrides or otherwise affects the operation of the Gladstone Region Planning Scheme.
The following sections provide an overview of the areas affected and the effect of the other plans on the planning and development of those areas.
For further detail on the specific effects, reference should be made to those plans and their governing legislation.
10.1 State Development Areas – State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971
Gladstone Region includes three areas declared by the state government as State development areas (SDAs). SDAs are clearly defined areas of land established by the Coordinator–General to promote economic development in Queensland.
State development areas are created under section 77 of the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971.
The SDAs are listed in the State Development and Public Works Organisation (State Development Areas) Regulation, which identifies the regulatory maps for each SDA.
Each SDA is subject to a development scheme that controls land–use and infrastructure planning and development in the SDA. The Coordinator–General is responsible for the planning, establishment and ongoing management of SDAs throughout Queensland.
In an SDA, the Coordinator–General:
- Controls land–use activities.
- Implements the development scheme.
- Assesses and approves all development, or material change of use, applications.
Any material change of use (MCU) within an SDA requires a development approval.
10.1.1 Gladstone State Development Area
The Gladstone SDA development scheme provides for industrial development of national, State and regional significance and complementary industrial, infrastructure and service uses.
Further detail regarding development within this SDA can be found within the Gladstone SDA Development Scheme.
Gladstone State Development Area Mapping
10.1.2 Callide Infrastructure Corridor State Development Area
The Callide Infrastructure Corridor SDA provides for the establishment of an efficient and effective infrastructure corridor of regional, state and national significance for co–located underground pipelines (principally for the transportation of gas) between Callide and the Gladstone SDA, to facilitate economic development.
Further detail regarding development within this SDA can be found within the Callide Infrastructure Corridor SDA Development Scheme.
Callide Infrastructure Corridor State Development Area Mapping
10.1.3 Stanwell–Gladstone Infrastructure Corridor State Development Area
The Stanwell–Gladstone Infrastructure Corridor SDA provides land for underground infrastructure purposes to facilitate economic development in the Rockhampton and Gladstone area.
Further detail regarding development within this SDA can be found within the Stanwell–Gladstone Infrastructure Corridor SDA Development Scheme.
10.2 Port of Gladstone and Port Alma (part)
Gladstone Region includes port lands operated by the Gladstone Port Corporation (GPC) being the Port of Gladstone and a part of Port Alma.
The Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 (TIA) provisions require GPC to gazette a land use plan to facilitate management and assessment of development on port authority land. The Gladstone Ports Corporation Land Use Plan (LUP2012) was gazetted in March 2012.
The purpose of the LUP 2012 is to provide a strategic framework for the management and assessment of development on Strategic Port Land, through identifying land use precincts and appropriate land uses and defining the outcomes sought to manage growth and development of the port.
GPC undertakes the responsibilities of Assessment Manager under the Sustainable Planning Act for assessable development on Strategic Port Land.
The LUP 2012 applies only to Strategic Port Land identified within the LUP 2012. Any other land not identified in the LUP 2012, which is owned or leased by GPC, is governed by the planning schemes of relevant local or state government authorities.
Strategic Port Land which is also in the Gladstone State Development Area is governed by the Gladstone State Development Area Development Scheme.
Gladstone Ports Corporation Land Use Plan (LUP 2012)
10.3 Priority Development Areas – Economic Development Act 2012
The Gladstone region includes three areas declared by the state government as Priority Development Areas (PDAs) under the Economic Development Act 2012.
PDAs are declared to facilitate the development of land in Queensland for economic development or development for community purposes.
The declarations fast track and streamline the planning for and assessment of development in the declared PDA areas.
Development within each PDA is managed within a Development Scheme approved by the Minister for Economic Development Queensland.
10.3.1 Clinton, Gladstone
Declared in April 2010, the Clinton PDA is a residential housing development intended as a model residential neighbourhood.
Officers of Economic Development Queensland are the assessment manager for development in this PDA under the Clinton Development Scheme.
Clinton Priority Development Area (PDA)
10.3.2 Tannum Sands
Declared in September 2011, the Tannum Sands PDA is a residential housing development including a mixed use precinct delivering small scale commercial, retail and other neighbourhood services.
Officers of Economic Development Queensland are the assessment manager for development in this PDA under the Tannum Sands Development Scheme.
Tannum Sands Priority Development Area
10.3.3 Toolooa
Declared in December 2011, the Toolooa PDA is a residential housing development incorporating the preservation of bushland and open space.
Officers of Economic Development Queensland are the assessment manager for development in this PDA under the Toolooa Development Scheme.