Version 1 - Superseded Planning Scheme
- Citation and commencement
- Part 1 About the planning scheme
- Part 2 State planning provisions
- Part 3 Strategic framework
- Part 4 Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP)
- Part 5 Tables of assessment
- Part 6 Zones
- Part 7 Local plans
- Part 8 Overlays
- Part 9 Development codes
- Part 10 Other plans
- Schedule 1 Definitions
- Schedule 2 Mapping
- Schedule 3 Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) mapping and tables
- Schedule 4 Notations required under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009
- Schedule 5 Land designated for community infrastructure
- Schedule 6 Planning scheme policies
- Appendices
6.2.26 Township Application
This code applies to development where the code is identified as applicable in a table of assessment. When using this code, reference should be made to section 5.3.2 and where applicable, section 5.3.3 located in Part 5. Purpose
- The purpose of the township zone code is to provide for small village and town settlements in rural and coastal places as identified in the strategic framework. Development provides for a mix of uses including residential, retail, business, education, community purpose, recreation and open space that support the needs of the local community and surrounding hinterland areas. Non–residential uses can also include highway services and rural services. Tourist related uses such as tourist parks and small scale short–term accommodation may also be appropriate where they are consistent with township character.
- The purpose of the zone will be achieved through the following overall outcomes:
- A range of residential, retail, commercial, administrative and cultural uses are provided.
- Non–residential uses are clustered on the main street of the township to ensure commercial uses are co-located and to minimise the amenity impacts on any adjoining residential uses.
- Development protects and enhances the unique local or historic character of a town.
- Development services the needs of both local residents, residents of the surrounding rural and coastal hinterland areas and visitors.
- Development is designed to incorporate sustainable practices including maximising energy efficiency and water conservation.
- Development provides a high level of amenity.
- Community facilities and infrastructure that directly supports the local community is facilitated.
- Natural features such as creeks, gullies, waterways, wetlands, habitats, vegetation and bushland are retained, enhanced and buffered from the impacts of adjacent uses and any unavoidable impacts are minimised through location, design, operation and management requirements.
- Development responds to land constraints, including but not limited to topography, bushfire and flooding. Assessment criteria
Table—Self–assessable and assessable development
Performance outcomes | Acceptable outcomes |
Use – Caretaker's accommodation | |
PO1 Development:
AO1.1 No more than 1 caretaker's accommodation unit is established on the site. |
AO1.2 The caretaker's accommodation unit is a maximum of 100m2 GFA. |
AO1.3 Private open space area is provided which:
Building height (if involving building work) | |
PO2 Buildings are:
AO2 Building height does not exceed 8.5m. |
Residential density | |
PO3 Development reflects the low density character of the locality. |
AO3.1 Maximum site cover is 50% or where a dual occupancy 40% of the total site area. |
AO3.2 Subject to compatibility of the site to sustainably dispose of effluent onsite, residential density is a maximum of:
AO3.3 Where a dwelling house, any secondary dwelling is:
Scale | |
PO4 Non–residential development:
AO4 GFA of the following uses does not exceed:
Amenity | |
PO5 The amenity of any adjoining residential uses is not unreasonably affected as a result of non–residential activity. |
AO5 Where non–residential development adjoins a residential use, hours of operation are limited to 7am to 7pm. |
PO6 Development provides adequate buffering and screening from any adjoining residential premises so that the privacy and amenity of residential premises are not adversely affected. |
AO6.1 Where non–residential development adjoins residential premises, a 1.8m high solid screen fence is provided along all boundaries shared with residential premises. |
AO6.2 Plant and air–conditioning equipment is screened from view of the road or adjoining residential premises. |
For all assessable development | |
Land use | |
PO7 Non–residential uses:
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |
Design and amenity | |
PO8 Non–residential development provides adequate separation, buffering and screening from any adjoining residential premises so that the privacy and amenity of residential premises are not adversely affected. |
AO8 Where non–residential activities adjoin residential premises, a minimum boundary side and rear setback of 3m is required for any:
PO9 Development has a high quality appearance and makes a positive contribution to the streetscape. |
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |
PO10 Development maintains a high level of amenity within the site and minimises impacts on surrounding areas, having regard to:
Note—Applicants may be required to engage specialists to provide detailed investigations into the above matters in order to demonstrate compliance with this performance criterion. |
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |
PO11 Development is located, designed, orientated and constructed to:
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |
PO12 Development is designed to achieve safety for all users having regard to:
Note—Applicants may find useful guidance in the Queensland Government's Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Guidelines for Queensland. |
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |
PO13 Development responds sensitively to on–site and surrounding topography, coastal foreshores, drainage patterns, utility services, access, vegetation and adjoining land use, such that:
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |
Use – Short term accommodation and tourist park | |
PO14 Development is of a scale that does not compromise the low density and village character of the locality. |
AO14.1 Development of short term accommodation where a:
AO14.2 Development for a tourist park does not exceed 50 park sites including 10 holiday cabins. |
PO15 Development provides adequate separation from any adjoining residential premises so that the privacy and amenity of residential premises are not adversely affected. |
AO15 Where a tourist park adjoins residential premises, the minimum setback to any communal buildings is 10m. |
Use – Service station | |
PO16 Buildings and structures allow for the safe operation of the Service station. |
AO16 All buildings and structures, including equipment associated with the service station operation are setback as follows:
PO17 Retail components are ancillary to the Service station use. |
AO17 The maximum area of retail GFA including any Food and drink outlet is 150m2. |
Use – Child care centre | |
PO18 Development is:
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |
PO19 Where a child care centre, development minimises:
AO19.1 The use is not accessed from:
AO19.2 Parking spaces are located so that children are not required to cross the driveway or vehicular access way to reach the building. |