Version 1 - Superseded Planning Scheme
- Citation and commencement
- Part 1 About the planning scheme
- Part 2 State planning provisions
- Part 3 Strategic framework
- Part 4 Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP)
- Part 5 Tables of assessment
- Part 6 Zones
- Part 7 Local plans
- Part 8 Overlays
- Part 9 Development codes
- Part 10 Other plans
- Schedule 1 Definitions
- Schedule 2 Mapping
- Schedule 3 Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) mapping and tables
- Schedule 4 Notations required under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009
- Schedule 5 Land designated for community infrastructure
- Schedule 6 Planning scheme policies
- Appendices
6.2.22 Rural zone Application
This code applies to development where the code is identified as applicable in a table of assessment. When using this code, reference should be made to section 5.3.2 and where applicable, section 5.3.3 located in Part 5. Purpose
- The purpose of the rural zone code is to:
- Ensure appropriately sized lots, being predominantly very large lots, display rural and landscape character and provide for a wide range of rural uses including cropping, intensive horticulture, intensive animal industries, animal husbandry, grazing, animal keeping and other primary production activities.
- Provide opportunities for non–rural uses that are compatible with agricultural and rural activities, and the landscape character of the rural area where they do not compromise the long–term use of the land for rural purposes.
- Protect or manage significant natural features, resources, and processes, including the capacity for primary production and extractive industry in designated areas.
- Ensure rural uses are not adversely impacted by inappropriate land uses and development.
- Ensure areas of Agricultural Land Classification Class A and B agricultural land are protected for agricultural uses and from fragmentation, alienation or diminished agricultural productivity.
- The potential for conflict between agricultural and other uses on Agricultural Land Classification Class A and B are minimised .
- The purpose of the zone will be achieved through the following overall outcomes:
- Areas for use for primary production are conserved and fragmentation is avoided through maintaining appropriate lot sizes, being predominantly large lots to support sustainable rural agricultural activities.
- The viability of both existing and future rural uses and activities are protected from the intrusion of incompatible uses.
- The establishment of a wide range of rural pursuits is facilitated, including cropping, intensive horticulture, grazing, intensive animal industries, animal husbandry and animal keeping and other compatible primary production uses.
- Cropping activities are encouraged on Agricultural Land Classification Class A and B agricultural land.
- Development does not result in the fragmentation of Agricultural Land Classification Class A and B agricultural land. This applies to reconfiguring a lot except where it has been assessed that there is an overriding need in the public interest for a related material change of use and the reconfiguring of a lot is consistent with the material change of use.
- Development located adjacent to Agricultural Land Classification Class A and B agricultural land incorporates an adequate separation area to prevent any impact from the agricultural use on the amenity or use on the occupants of the development.
- Extractive industries:
- mitigate impacts on the environment and adjoining land uses
- do not occur on Class A and B agricultural land, and
- rehabilitate sites upon completion of resource extraction.
Note—Refer also to the Extractive industry code in Part 9.
- The establishment of outdoor recreation and small–scale tourism facilities in suitable locations is facilitated only where they do not compromise the use of the land for rural activities and minimise any land–use conflicts.
- Natural features such as creeks, gullies, waterways, wetlands and bushland are retained, managed and separated from adjacent development where possible.
- Rural land uses incorporate sustainable practices to prevent soil erosion, protect the quality of land resources and water catchments, and maintain habitat values of waterways and native timber and forest areas.
- Non–resident workforce accommodation:
- is only located in this zone where it is demonstrated it cannot be located in an urban area
- does not adversely impact on surrounding rural character or activities
- does not create a demand for urban services and infrastructure that cannot be provided on-site by that development
- is temporary to service the short term needs of resource or infrastructure development projects, and
- does not sterilise the land for future rural activities.
- Urban and rural residential expansion does not occur on land in the rural zone. Assessment criteria
Table—Self–assessable and assessable development
Performance outcomes | Acceptable outcomes | ||||||||
Use – Caretaker's accommodation | |||||||||
PO1 Development is ancillary to the primary use. |
AO1 No more than 1 caretaker's accommodation unit is established on the site. |
Use – Roadside stall | |||||||||
PO2 Roadside stalls are of a scale in keeping with the rural character of the locality and capable of operating safely with the road system. |
AO2.1 Structures associated with the use are limited to 30m2 GFA. |
AO2.2 A roadside stall is setback a minimum of:
Built form | |||||||||
PO3 Buildings are designed and located so as not to adversely impact on the rural character and amenity of the locality. |
AO3.1 Building height for a dwelling house does not exceed 8.5m. Building height for Rural activities does not exceed 20m. |
AO3.3 Buildings, other than a roadside stall, are setback a minimum of:
Residential density | |||||||||
PO4 Residential density reflects the low intensity rural character of the locality. |
AO4.1 Residential density is limited to:
AO4.2 Where a dwelling house, any secondary dwelling is:
Amenity | |||||||||
PO5 Accommodation and community activities do not encroach on existing or approved rural and extractive industry operations or uses that may result in an adverse impact on amenity, health or safety. |
AO5 Sensitive land uses are separated from:
PO6 Outdoor lighting does not adversely affect the amenity of adjoining properties or create a traffic hazard on adjacent roads. |
AO6.1 Light emanating from any source complies with Australian Standard AS4282 Control of the Obtrusive Effects of Outdoor Lighting or current version. |
AO6.2 Outdoor lighting is provided in accordance with Australian Standard AS 1158.1.1 – Road Lighting – Vehicular Traffic Category V) Lighting – Performance and Installation Design Requirements or current version. |
PO7 Development does not adversely impact on the amenity of the surrounding rural or residential land uses or rural landscape character. |
AO7 Plant and air–conditioning equipment, storage areas and processing activities are screened from view of the road or adjoining residential uses. |
Stock routes | |||||||||
PO8 Development on or adjoining a stock route shown on overlay map Agricultural Land Classification Overlay does not compromise the use of the stock route by travelling stock. |
AO8 Accommodation activities (excluding dwelling house on an existing allotment, Caretaker's accommodation and Rural workers' accommodation) and community activities are separated from a stock route by a minimum of 200m. |
PO9 Development on or crossing a stock route does not impede the free movement of stock. |
AO9 Development provides:
For all assessable development | |||||||||
Land use | |||||||||
PO10 Development:
No acceptable outcome is nominated. | ||||||||
PO11 Tourism (including associated accommodation) and recreation–related uses are:
No acceptable outcome is nominated. | ||||||||
Design and amenity | |||||||||
PO12 Development minimises potential conflicts with, or impacts on, other uses having regard to vibration, odour, dust or other emissions. |
AO12.1 Development achieves the air quality design objectives set out in the Environmental Protection (Air) Policy 2008, as amended. |
AO12.2 Development that involves the storage of materials on site that are capable of generating air contaminants either by wind or when disturbed are managed by:
PO13 Development prevents or minimises the generation of noise so that:
AO13 Development achieves the noise generation levels set out in the Environmental Protection (Noise) Policy 2008, as amended. |
PO14 Development does not unduly impact on the existing amenity and character of the locality having regard to:
No acceptable outcome is nominated. | ||||||||
PO15 All uses:
No acceptable outcome is nominated. | ||||||||
PO16 Development ensures ecological values, habitat corridors and soil and water quality are protected, having regard to:
No acceptable outcome is nominated. | ||||||||
Use – Animal keeping (kennels or catteries) | |||||||||
PO17 Development is sited, constructed and managed such that:
AO17.1 A minimum site area of 3 hectares is required. |
AO17.2 Buildings used for animal keeping are constructed with impervious reinforced concrete floors, gravity drained to the effluent collection/treatment point. |
AO17.3 Animal proof fencing or other appropriate barrier features are provided to a minimum height of 1.8m within the site to prevent the escape of animals. |
AO17.4 Kennels or catteries are a minimum of 1km from an existing sensitive use. |
AO17.5 Animals are kept in fenced enclosures, inside buildings at all times between the hours of 6pm and 7am. |
AO17.6 A person who is responsible for the supervision of the operation of the development is accommodated on the premises at all times. |
AO17.7 Animal enclosures are set back to roads, streets and water resources as follows:
Uses – Bulk landscaping supplies, Rural industry, Wholesale nursery and Garden centre | |||||||||
PO18 Development is located and designed on sites of sufficient size, to minimise adverse impacts on:
AO18.1 A minimum site area of 2 hectares is required. |
AO18.2 A minimum 15m setback is required from any adjoining property boundary. |
AO18.3 Sales, storage, handling, packaging and production areas are setback a minimum of:
AO18.4 Infrastructure and material storage areas are confined to free draining areas and sites on slopes not exceeding 10%. |
AO18.5 There is direct access from the property boundary to a road. |
AO18.6 Hours of operation are limited to between 7am and 5pm. |
Use – Club or community use | |||||||||
PO19 Development is located and designed on sites of sufficient size, to minimise adverse impacts on:
AO19.1 A minimum site area of 2ha is required. |
AO19.2 Siting and layout includes:
AO19.3 Buildings and structures associated with the use are limited to:
AO19.4 Hours of operation are limited to between 7am and 10pm. |
Use – Non–resident workforce accommodation | |||||||||
PO20 Development:
Note—Refer to the Non–resident workers accommodation planning scheme policy for further guidance in responding to this performance outcome. |
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |