Version 1 - Superseded Planning Scheme
- Citation and commencement
- Part 1 About the planning scheme
- Part 2 State planning provisions
- Part 3 Strategic framework
- Part 4 Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP)
- Part 5 Tables of assessment
- Part 6 Zones
- Part 7 Local plans
- Part 8 Overlays
- Part 9 Development codes
- Part 10 Other plans
- Schedule 1 Definitions
- Schedule 2 Mapping
- Schedule 3 Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) mapping and tables
- Schedule 4 Notations required under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009
- Schedule 5 Land designated for community infrastructure
- Schedule 6 Planning scheme policies
- Appendices
8.2.2 Airport environs Application
This code applies to development where the code is identified as applicable in the table of assessment for the Airport environs overlay code. When using this code, reference should be made to section 5.3.2 and where applicable, section 5.3.3 located in Part 5. Purpose
- The purpose of the Airport Environs overlay code is to:
- protect the ongoing operation of Gladstone's strategic airport and aviation facilities
- minimise safety risks to aircraft operations for the Gladstone Airport and aviation facilities
- ensure current and future airport operations are not adversely impacted upon by inappropriate development and land uses
- maintain reasonable levels of amenity for development surrounding the Gladstone Airport.
- The purpose of the code will be achieved through the following overall outcomes:
- development protects the safety of aircraft and aviation facilities operating within an airport's operational airspace
- development does not increase the risk to public safety near airport runways
- development including any buildings or intrusions do not encroach above the Obstacle Limitation Surface (OLS)
- development protects aviation facilities including navigation, communication and surveillance equipment and facilities from incompatible intrusions, land uses, buildings, structures and works
- development does not generate air emissions, attract wildlife or generate inappropriate lighting that compromises aircraft safety
- development mitigates adverse impacts of aircraft noise and is compatible with forecast levels of aircraft noise within the Australian Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF) contours.
Note—Aviation facilities include navigation, communication, or surveillance installations provided to assist the safe and efficient movement of aircraft and may be located either on or off airport. These are included within the OLS mapping within the Transitional Surface, Approach and Departure Surfaces (for the Instrument Landing System) and the Aviation Facilities delineation.
Note—The operational airspace refers to the area which the full extent of the Airport Overlay applies, namely to the outer edge of the Outer Horizontal Obstacle Limitation Surface. Assessment criteria
Table—Assessable development
Performance outcomes | Acceptable outcomes |
Obstructions and hazards | |
PO1 Development (including any associated permanent or temporary structures and landscaping) does not cause a permanent or temporary physical or transient obstruction to the safe movement of aircraft within the airport's operational airspace. |
AO1.1 Buildings, structures (both free standing and attached to buildings, including signs, masts or antennae) and vegetation at its mature height do not penetrate the Obstacle Limitation Surface (OLS) as identified on Airport Environs Overlay Map. |
AO1.2 Cranes and other construction equipment or activities do not penetrate the Obstacle Limitation Surface (OLS) as identified on Airport Environs Overlay Map. |
AO1.3 Transient activities associated with development such as parachuting, hot air ballooning and hang–gliding will not occur within the airport's operational airspace. |
Lighting and reflective surfaces | |
PO2 Development does not cause an obstruction or hazard to the safe movement of aircraft within an airport's operational airspace through the installation of external lighting that could distract or interfere with a pilot's vision, or confuse the visual identification of a runway approach or navigational lighting from the air. |
AO2.1 Within the Approach and Departure Surfaces, Transitional Surface and Inner Horizontal Surface, outdoor lighting (including street lighting and security lighting) does not involve any of the following:
AO2.2 Street Lighting and Outdoor Lighting complies with AS4282–1997 Control of Obstructive effects of Outdoor Lighting. |
Emissions | |
PO3 Development does not significantly increase air turbulence, reduce visibility or cause an obstruction or hazard to the safe movement of aircraft within an airport's Obstacle Limitation Surface (OLS) (Inner and Outer), Transitional Surface or Approach and Departure Limitation Surface as identified on Airport Environs Overlay Map through the emission of particulates, gasses or other materials. |
AO3 Development does not generate:
Wildlife hazards | |
PO4 Development does not cause wildlife to create an obstruction or hazard to the safe movement of aircraft within an airport's operational airspace through the attracting of a significant number of wildlife, in particular birds and bats. |
AO4.1 Development located within 3km of the airport's runway as identified on Airport environs overlay map does not involve uses listed in column 1 of Table which are associated with increases in wildlife strikes. |
AO4.2 Development located within 3km of the airport's runway as identified on Airport environs overlay map, involving a use listed in column 2 of Table include measures to reduce the potential to attract birds and bats, including covering potential food sources and bird scarers or netting (rural activities). |
AO4.3 Development located between 3km and 8km of the airport's runway as identified on Airport Environs Overlay Map, involving a use in either column 1 or column 2 of Table includes measures to reduce the potential to attract birds and bats, including covering potential food sources and bird scarers or netting (rural activities). |
AO4.4 Development located between 8km and 13km of the airport's runway as identified on Airport Environs Overlay Map involving a use in either column 1 or column 2 of Table does not increase the potential to attract birds and bats. |
PO5 Landscaping and drainage works (including artificial water bodies) for development within the Transitional Surface as identified on Airport Environs Overlay Map are designed and located to avoid attracting birds and bats (e.g. avoidance of fruiting and/ or flowering plant species). |
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |
Aviation facilities | |
PO6 Development does not interfere with the function of aviation facilities or the approach and departure surfaces. |
AO6.1 Development located within the building restricted area for an aviation facility, an approach surface or a departure surface does not create:
OR AO6.2 Development located within the building restricted area for an aviation facility, an approach surface or a departure surface is designed and constructed to mitigate the adverse impacts on the function of the aviation facility, the approach surface or the departure surface. |
Airport public safety areas | |
PO7 Development within the public safety areas located at the end of the airport runway avoids:
AO7 Development within the public safety areas, as identified on the Airport Environs Overlay Map, does not involve:
Noise | |
PO8 Development is:
Note—Where the acceptable outcomes cannot be met, an appropriately qualified acoustic practitioner may be required to be engaged in order to demonstrate compliance with this performance outcome. |
AO8.1 Reconfiguring a lot does not occur within the Australian Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF) 25-30 or 30-35 contour area as identified on the Airport Environs Overlay Map. |
AO8.2 Within the Australian Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF) 30-35 contour area, as identified on the Airport Environs Overlay Map development does not include the following uses:
AO8.3 Within the Australian Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF) 25-30 contour area, as identified on the Airport Environs Overlay Map development is a minimum of 500m from the airport's runway and must achieve compliance with the indoor design level requirements of Table |
Table—Land uses associated with increases in wildlife strikes and hazards
Column 1 High risk |
Column 2 Moderate risk |
Rural activities:
Recreation activities:
Industry activities:
Utility installation:
Rural activities:
Recreation activities:
Utility installation:
Table—Desirable indoor design sound levels for building type and land uses
Land use | Location within development | Indoor design sound level dB(A) |
Accommodation activities (dwelling houses, multiple dwellings, tourist parks) Residential care facilities |
Sleeping areas | 50 |
Other habitable | 55 | |
Bathrooms, toilets, laundries | 60 | |
Short–term accommodation Hotels Rooming Accommodation |
Sleeping areas | 55 |
Social activities | 70 | |
Service activities | 75 | |
Educational establishments Child care centres |
Libraries Classrooms, study areas Sleeping areas |
50 |
Teaching area, assembly areas | 55 | |
Workshop, gymnasia | 75 | |
Hospitals Health care services |
Wards, theatres, treatment and consulting rooms | 50 |
Laboratories | 65 | |
Service areas | 75 | |
Community uses | Places of worship, Court houses, libraries, galleries | 50 |
Theatres, cinemas, recording studios | 40 | |
Offices | Private offices, conference rooms | 55 |
Open offices | 65 | |
Shops | 75 | |
Showrooms | 75 | |
Industrial | Inspection, analysis, precision work | 75 |
Light machinery, assembly, bench work | 80 | |
Heavy machinery, warehouse, maintenance | 85 |